2021 Grant Instructions and Application Process

Eligible Projects

  • Projects considered for grants must directly support the missions of 340B safety-net providers.
  • Secured funding for the entire project or program, less the amount requested by this grant application, is required to assure
    Capture Cares of the completion of this project.
  • Grants will be awarded to individual organizations a maximum of one per 12-month timeframe.
  • Organizations may apply for any or all four types of grants: Community Mission Grants, Seed Grants, Marketing Video Grants, Medication Adherence Grants, 340B ACE Buddy Grants, and Mock Audit Grants.

Examples of projects ineligible for grant funding include: conferences, industry events, politically motivated activities.

Application Requirements

  • A grant application must follow the format available on the website, www.capturecares.org.
  • Be sure to select the appropriate application that you are applying for.
  • Applications should be filled out online and uploaded on the website directly.
  • Additional attachments, such as budget worksheet, also need to be uploaded during the online submission process.
  • Applications that are incomplete or missing a budget worksheet (for Community Mission Grant submissions only) will not be
  • Applications received after July 2nd, 2021 will not be considered for the 2021 award date but will be held for consideration for the 2022 Capture Cares Grant Awards.

Judging and Award of Grants

  • All grants are judged and awarded without regard to gender, race, color, religion, national origin or disability.
  • Notification of an awarded grant, accompanied by a Grant Agreement Form outlining the details governing the grant, will be
    emailed by a Capture Cares representative.

Distribution of Grant Funds and Progress Reports

  • Following Capture Cares receipt of the completed Grant Agreement Form and documentation of secured funds, the approved funds
    are distributed to the grantee.
  • Progress reports should include written progress narrative, milestones, pictures/images and or video.
  • Frequency of reports to be determined by Capture Cares Committee.
  • Records substantiating that grant funds received have been used solely for the purposes described in the application must be
    maintained by the grantee and available for inspection.

Timeline Overview

July 2, 2021, 11:59 p.m. Central Time
Deadline for online submission of application and supporting documents.

Week of July 26, 2021

Award Ceremony: Grantees will be announced at the virtual CaptureRx Special Event during the 340B Coalition Summer Conference. Details will be announced soon. Grantees are not required to attend.

Grantees will be published on www.capturecares.org and on social media sites. Capture Cares may request information in the form of photos, video, narrative and interviews during the award year of grantees’ program/event progress or outcomes.

Criteria for Selection and Application Review

Capture Cares Committee meets once a year to review applications for funding. Awards are based on the following criteria:

  • Project Description, Purpose, Background, Need and Scope
  • Project Innovation and Community Benefits
  • Project Planning and Implementation

To ensure a fair and objective review process, the Capture Cares Committee does not comment on the deliberations of the awarding process. Therefore, the Committee is unable to provide written or oral evaluations of applications. No provisions exist for reconsideration of grant proposals after the Committee has acted on its decision.

Download PDF of Grant Instructions and Application Process

*Capture Cares Mission Grants are subject to change and to additional terms and conditions. You must fulfill compliance requirements to be eligible.